March 01, 2009

Mixed Congee

This brand of mixed congee contains glutinous rice, longons (fruit), oatmeal, beans, peanuts, and barley. The label instructs "COLD OR HOT SERVE ALL DELICIOUS," but the chunky, viscous food bits looked pretty terrible straight out of the can. I mixed it with a little water and heated it, drained off most of the liquid, and ended up with something like porridge mixed with fruit. And beans.

I closed my eyes, envisioned Goldilocks feasting at the panda bears' table with her chopsticks, and dug in. Mixed congee turned out to be quite delightful. It's a little sweet and very hearty. This could be a good alternative for people who enjoy warm breakfast cereals. The little foldy spoon that was included in the lid made an excellent cat toy.

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